The Internet's most Reliably Inconsistent Source for All your Tucker Family News!

Location: United States

I'm a Catholic convert (from Protestantism) in love with Jesus and the Church He founded. I'm married to Forrest, an amazing man who has made quite a journey with me, following God, and we are blessed with six precious children.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

his foolishness--or ours?

Forrest and I have been noticing lately that Timothy likes to talk about what we say he can and can't (mostly the latter) do. In fact, sometimes he construes what we say as a "no"...for instance, he'll ask for something, like cocoa, and we say, "Clean up your toys first" or "Take off your jacket first", etc. So he says, "Daddy say no cocoa?" It sometimes gets to where we have to tell him to stop talking about the thing, because he's focusing so much on what we tell him to do, that he doesn't do it. Augh.

But then...isn't this like us with our Heavenly Father? Forrest likened it to Phariseeism--caring so much about doctrines and externals that they became legalists. (Except--in Timothy's case, hopefully as he grows in grace, he'll be able to avoid legalism to an extent, Lord-willing, that we his parents can't, having the advantage of Christian heritage behind him.) And I said, don't you mean he's 'reformed'? We take a simple command or declaration of His and turn out all these doctrines, to explain what it means so that we're not "wrong" in our intellectual understanding. But in our endless talking about it, we forget to DO it. And for us, I think there's more behind it than is behind Timothy's childish reason. Ours is bigger foolishness, partly because we ought to know better, and partly because we do know that what all this is, is selfishness--pride. Wanting to know more than the "other" Christians...or something ridiculous like that. What is knowledge, though, if we don't know HIM? If we know "it"--a doctrine, a formula, whatever, and don't bother so much to know the Lord of it all, we've missed the point. The Word is personal. So personal that He is a Person.

It's like pulling teeth...

I had two wisdom teeth, thankfully both (only two have ever existed in my mouth) were fully emerged, and got them taken out yesterday. It was not fun. On the other hand, it was inexpensive, and they weren't really any good to me, especially the bad condition they were in cavity-wise.
The only part I dislike presently is that I can't eat much other than soft foods...and when all you've had all day is oatmeal and yoghurt, almost every food imaginable sounds so good. I did have a little Chinese noodles & fried rice this afternoon, and Forrest made homemade mac & cheese for dinner, so I can't complain too much. I'll be happy when I'm able to eat those almond M&M's we have again. Oooh, and Forrest made us Irish coffees this evening and they are so good! Bushmills is yummy--especially mixed with cream & coffee.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Well, I haven't been online much lately. A lot of that is because whenever I've been on the computer I've played games instead of going online...but for a while there I did have a real excuse--we were sick off and on through February.

David took seven steps yesterday...the first time he took more than one was Sunday the 13th. He was 13 months old exactly! He's so excited when he successfully walks by himself. Well, Forrest already posted about David and some of that would be old news.

We ordered some stuff from Amazon...something for R&R--joint birthday gift, a Bartender's Bible (so we've been having a little fun with that), an Oregon Trail computer game, and another book that hasn't come N.T. Wright.

I have sewing I need to do, if possible, before our company gets here. But if not, well, oh well. Cleaning the carpets before company arrives is more important to me.

Speaking of company, we bought eight more place settings of our Corelle dishes. So now we have 16! The cool thing is, this set came with glasses instead of mugs, so now we actually have glasses that match our dishes.

Rick and Rachel and Heidi all fly in on Good Friday--that's NEXT WEEK! Hopefully R&R will stay with us a couple days. And I'm doing a bridal shower for Heidi the next Wednesday, and really looking forward to that. Mom (Forrest's) and Hilary and Hannah will be here for that too.

April 1st is a hearing for Rachel and my parents. It's a long story if you don't already know the details. Please pray that the commission will be be wise and just, that God would be glorified, and that He would be pleased to show grace and mercy. My family, particularly my dad, has really been hurt in this whole ordeal, and needs peace and healing.

Then the next Sunday, my little niece Jacqueline will be baptized at Forrest's & my church, by Dad (Forrest's), and the following week will be spent visiting with Isaac & Heather and the Big Tucker Family. Busy time!

Don't tell Esther, but we're getting her something soft and snuggly and rambunctious for her birthday at the end of April.

And I think the boys are waking up. So I'd better get.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Many congratulations!

Congratulations to Isaac & Heather on their baby girl, Jacqueline Mae, born February 28th! Holly has pictures of the baby on her blog.

And congratulations and best wishes to Heidi and Tim, who are engaged to be married this summer! I love weddings. :-)