Location: United States

I'm a Catholic convert (from Protestantism) in love with Jesus and the Church He founded. I'm married to Forrest, an amazing man who has made quite a journey with me, following God, and we are blessed with six precious children.

Thursday, June 07, 2007


...for not being sick anymore! On Sunday night I got sick...and it lasted until last evening. And no, I'm not pregnant. Noelle and Matthew got it too. Actually, Noelle is still a bit under the weather, which makes me so mad at whatever is making her sick, and so sorry for her. She hasn't been feeling consistently bad but her diapers testify that she's been sick since Monday...and she threw up Monday morning, and then again yesterday afternoon and this morning. What's that all about?? Well, it lasted about three days for hopefully she's on the mend now. At least she's taking a good nap--sleep will help, I'm sure.

In regards to the haircuts I gave, I think I had a harder time letting Forrest & Timothy part with their hair than they did. I really liked Forrest's hair how it was. However, I really like it how it is now too. Pretty much as long as he doesn't get a flat top or a buzz/shaved head, I'll be happy. Timothy's hair was getting too shaggy in my opinion...but I really like his curls. Well, there's always next winter...and he's really cute with his little Caesar cut. By the way, the pile of Timothy's hair was pretty big, but only about half the size of Forrest's hair AFTER the ponytails were cut off. And also, each of those ponytails met the 10" requirement for donation to Locks of Love, and I think two of them would be about the thickness of my hair...and there were four of them! My husband has THICK hair!

Ah. I love feeling normal.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forrest's hair was quite impressive. I know what you mean about Timothy's curls. I love Kyrie's and I dread the day that they'll have to be cut off. I'm guessing that they're just baby curls and after the first trim, she'll have relatively straight hair. At least I've got a while still to enjoy them!

6/07/2007 1:46 PM  
Blogger Holly said...

Can you imagine how much hair there would be if Heather cut hers to waist length? o_O

I hope our kids have curls!

Glad you're feeling better, I hope Noelle will feel better soon too!

6/08/2007 3:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I actually started to like Forrest's hair when it got a few inches past his shoulders. He was a sexy beast.

He should grow it out again. I dare him.

6/08/2007 10:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holly, didn't Heather cut hers about to her hips? Even that would have been a lot of hair! Now if I cut mine as short as Heidi's.....not that I would; I wouldn't have the guts to, as I can't stand shortish hair over long periods of time, and my hair takes FOREVER to grow!

6/08/2007 4:20 PM  

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