A good article on crying it out:
This article explains some of the reasons why I parent the way I do:
I'm a Catholic convert (from Protestantism) in love with Jesus and the Church He founded. I'm married to Forrest, an amazing man who has made quite a journey with me, following God, and we are blessed with six precious children.
WONDERFUL article Rebekah! I couldn't agree more :) Aunt Angela
Thanks! I thought it was pretty good. I've been reading some of Dr. Sears' stuff lately and really like most of it, especially the attachment parenting for the first year. We've also been reading "The No-Cry Sleep Solution" which is great for parents that want a full-night's sleep without making their baby cry to sleep.
Yup, I like Dr. Sears' attachment parenting stuff. It makes me feel like less of a freak for still co-sleeping with Kyrie sometimes and still nursing. :D
I think one of his books also suggests what we're doing for Kyrie with transitioning her into her own bed. We just brought her crib mattress in our room and put it next to our bed. She usually sleeps right through the night in it.
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