The Internet's most Reliably Inconsistent Source for All your Tucker Family News!

Location: United States

I'm a Catholic convert (from Protestantism) in love with Jesus and the Church He founded. I'm married to Forrest, an amazing man who has made quite a journey with me, following God, and we are blessed with six precious children.

Saturday, June 30, 2007


Well, our camera officially doesn't work. We need to find out whether it's more expensive to fix or to buy a new one. Boo hoo. (BTW, it's not related to my leaving it out in the rain.)
We've been having a lot of fun-filled days lately with our company and other close friends. The other day we picked strawberries at Green Bluff, and everyone enjoyed that a lot. It's also very cool that we got the berries for like half the price you'd normally find strawberries at the grocery store. I have I think three gallon ziplocs full of them in the freezer now. (That's including Rick & Rachel's berries though.)
I got Noelle a doll stroller at the store the other day. She loved playing with the ones at Ryan & Taneisha's, and I figured it would be worth a few dollars to get her something she enjoyed that much. She loves it, although now I'm having more issues training her not to be selfish when her friends want to play with it.
Here are some pictures we took before we started having problems with the camera.

The first two are taken by Timothy.

From Father's Day up at Granite Falls:

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Woo hoo!

We have a lot of stuff to do this week. Rick & Rachel and Kyrie are coming in 6 days, and we've been working on the kids' room, getting it all finished. That means we have to have it finished pretty much by the end of this week, because the boys' boy table (along with all their toys, scattered over the room) is in our guest room. We also have a bunch of other stuff in the guest room that doesn't really belong, that I'll have to figure out where to put. Forrest is down working on painting the kids' room (it's lookin' good!) and when that's dry, we can stain the wood trim (and put in stained trim around the base of the walls)...then we can finally move them back into their room! Last Saturday Forrest & Isaac put in the new windows, which is exciting. For the last week we've been sleeping on an air mattress in the living room and letting the boys sleep on our bed. It's cute to have them in there but I'm looking forward to sleeping on a real bed again.
Anyway, that's what's up with us lately and what's going on for the rest of this week. I'm getting excited to see my Louisiana family again--it's been so long!!!

Friday, June 08, 2007

Dum da dum dum...

This is my hair.

Noelle was feeling better today (which is good, 'cause we HAD to go grocery shopping), but still not 100%. We went to Costco and Yoke's...we decided to get the organic macaroni at Costco because it was almost as good a price. We tried it for dinner tonight (with enough fresh veggies, it makes a good meal if your children are still small!) and it was really good. Last time I got celery, the organic was actually a better price (it was on sale) and it turns out that it's more flavorful too! Maybe I'm just going to have to start getting more things organic--'cause the flavor is almost always superior. And you know, the price isn't always that much more than the other stuff.

In other news, I got my first salon haircut today. It was nice. I like the job she did. And I'm gonna donate my hair also.

Okay. The other day, David, after he went to the bathroom, was told to pull up his underwear, and Daddy would get him a chocolate. (This is his reward for #2, and by the way, he's potty-trained!) So he starts singing to himself, "Chocolate - underwear! Chocolate - underwear!"

And then Timothy, when the boys were getting stories for us to read, points at one book on the floor and says, "There's the crappy story." It was A House For Hermit Crab. for some pictures of Noelle wearing a bra. This is when she had put it on herself.

These are after we helped her put it back on. hehe.

Okay, hair.

Thursday, June 07, 2007


...for not being sick anymore! On Sunday night I got sick...and it lasted until last evening. And no, I'm not pregnant. Noelle and Matthew got it too. Actually, Noelle is still a bit under the weather, which makes me so mad at whatever is making her sick, and so sorry for her. She hasn't been feeling consistently bad but her diapers testify that she's been sick since Monday...and she threw up Monday morning, and then again yesterday afternoon and this morning. What's that all about?? Well, it lasted about three days for hopefully she's on the mend now. At least she's taking a good nap--sleep will help, I'm sure.

In regards to the haircuts I gave, I think I had a harder time letting Forrest & Timothy part with their hair than they did. I really liked Forrest's hair how it was. However, I really like it how it is now too. Pretty much as long as he doesn't get a flat top or a buzz/shaved head, I'll be happy. Timothy's hair was getting too shaggy in my opinion...but I really like his curls. Well, there's always next winter...and he's really cute with his little Caesar cut. By the way, the pile of Timothy's hair was pretty big, but only about half the size of Forrest's hair AFTER the ponytails were cut off. And also, each of those ponytails met the 10" requirement for donation to Locks of Love, and I think two of them would be about the thickness of my hair...and there were four of them! My husband has THICK hair!

Ah. I love feeling normal.