Location: United States

I'm a Catholic convert (from Protestantism) in love with Jesus and the Church He founded. I'm married to Forrest, an amazing man who has made quite a journey with me, following God, and we are blessed with six precious children.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Always reforming...

I remember hearing a reformed guy say once, "I like to think of reformed baptists as on a journey." But wait a minute...aren't we all? Yesterday was All Hallow's Eve, known to many of us Protestant Catholics as Reformation Day. We had a little to-do at my parents' house, with some friends, and roasted hot dogs & marshmallows, had chili, cider, and watched the kids break open a pinata in the shape of a bull. (pun: the "papal bull" :-P ) It was rather freezing outside but we enjoyed good fellowship and celebrated, especially later by gathering and singing some hymns, God's reformation of His church. We watched a movie about Martin Luther made in 1953--it was quite good--and there was a great spot where he said, "A simple layman, armed with Scripture, is better than a Pope without it." Preach it, brother! For that matter, you could fill in the "Pope" space with many a name and apply it to even cases in reformed churches today. Let's not get so carried away by holding to our precious systematic theologies that we ignore the Bible. Scripture is to be the interpreter of scripture, not a systematic theology book, no matter how great the man who wrote it. God is greater.
So maybe I'm rambling...what I'm trying to say is, none of us are "there" yet, and although we are blessed to be able to stand on the shoulders of our forefathers in the faith, that doesn't mean that we shouldn't always go back to the foundation of the faith: Jesus Christ--The WORD of the LORD. Otherwise we get too highminded.
Praise God for His shepherding His church, and may we pray that He will preserve it in the years to come and perfect His bride, always reforming her.


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