Location: United States

I'm a Catholic convert (from Protestantism) in love with Jesus and the Church He founded. I'm married to Forrest, an amazing man who has made quite a journey with me, following God, and we are blessed with six precious children.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

I can hardly believe it's been almost four years since Forrest and I met. This time of year is rich with nostalgia for me...
Four years ago, I was at a point in my life that felt very unsure, but at the same time, freer than it had been. I was "single" again after being engaged. Although I wanted very much to meet some guy and get married, I was content with where God had me for then. That time makes me think of listening to Sarah Brightman albums...spending lots of time with Rachel, Isaiah, Taneisha, Ryan, and Travis...having my bedroom window open just enough to bring in the lovely, early spring fragrances inside...listening to Don McLean sing, "And I love you so".
Three years ago, Forrest and I were busily preparing for our wedding. Ordering flowers, getting a piper and a pianist, making up wedding programs, buying candles...I know most people look back at their wedding preparations and think it was just too crazy, too busy...but I love planning for a wedding. I could almost make a career of being a wedding planner, if I wasn't as opinionated about how things should be. Memories...of Grandma Eyre giving us money for dishes, of driving in our nice old Subaru, of Heidi and Holly giving me an apron in a Victoria's Secret bag, of the scent of Sweet Pea lotion...
Two years ago, our little Timothy was a brand-new baby. We were getting used to life with him (kids are interruptive--and not just when it's convenient!) and growing to love him so much. Forrest and I spent a lot of time just reading books together (particularly the Chronicles of Narnia) and on--was it Monday nights?--watched "Antiques Roadshow". Ahh...drinking that herb tea with blackstrap molasses, listening to Selena, and watching the movie about her, going out to Chevy's...
And last year, at this time, I was hugely pregnant with David. It seemed to take forever for him to decide to be born. He didn't come until February 13th. Timothy had his first birthday, and we had my family and Isaac & Heather over to celebrate with us. Ryan and Taneisha came over, I think the next day. That time reminds me of protein shakes...being excited about Rick and Rachel's upcoming wedding...having Holly visit...going through the baby clothes.
And always, from years and years past, this time of year makes me dream of romantical things (what with St. Valentine's day and all) and of the upcoming spring, of planting seeds and gardening and the good earthy smell of--well--earth.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was a lovely blog, Rebekah. You write beautifully! It's wonderful to have so many delightful memories already in your young life.

1/05/2005 7:29 PM  

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