Location: United States

I'm a Catholic convert (from Protestantism) in love with Jesus and the Church He founded. I'm married to Forrest, an amazing man who has made quite a journey with me, following God, and we are blessed with six precious children.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

We got a new mouse.

It's an optical mouse...which we didn't have before.

Oh. I made two cheesecakes the other Mocha, and one Pumpkin. I have a plain cheesecake recipe that I've made before (following techniques I got from Forrest's Uncle Jerry, and overheard ingredients from his secret recipe...sneakysneaky) so I used that as kind of the base...telling me how much of the cream cheese and eggs, and for the pumpkin one I found a recipe online for a pumpkin one that took the same amount of cream cheese and eggs, and altered it slightly. For the mocha one, I could not find a recipe online that was satisfactory so I made it up. Both cheesecakes turned out great, if I do say so myself. Maybe I'll let it become like my specialty item.

Oh, and speaking of good food...Forrest and I made really good spaghetti sauce & meatballs (we also had noodles of course) yesterday. Forrest put together the sauce...I spiced it a bit, then he spiced it more, and it was just right; and it had a lot of mushrooms in it. I had never made just plain meatballs before but they turned out good. And "Barilla Plus" pasta is, we found out, pretty good. It tastes pretty much like regular pasta.

I keep having dreams that Noelle is walking. I don't think it'll be long. She's starting to let go of whatever she held onto to bring herself to standing, and a few times she's just stood there without help for several seconds. She's starting to learn how to lower herself down slowly to the floor too. AND, she learned last week at Grandma's how to climb an entire staircase (I was right behind her) and so now she's been doing it on our stairs. This, if I recall correctly, is earlier than the boys, who learned the stairs somewhere between nine and ten months. I need to teach her how to safely come down soon, but for now usually just get her off. Forrest & I need to get a gate.

I could not get pictures to load. I'll try one more time, on a new post, but if it doesn't work, sorry. I'll try later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so what is barilla plus? we switched to whole grain pasta and i loooove it..i think it's ronzini's.

11/03/2006 6:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since you're eavesdropping, maybe you could scribble down your mocha cheesecake recipe and send it my way.

11/05/2006 6:26 PM  
Blogger Forrest said...

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11/07/2006 4:33 PM  
Blogger Rebekah said...

Barilla Plus is made by Barilla (which they sell at our Wal-mart) and I don't think it's whole wheat, but it has some other whole-grain products in it (flaxseed, barley, spelt, oats, and I think even lentils). Maybe we'll have to try Ronzini's too.
Uncle Jerry- I'll e-mail it to you. :-)

11/07/2006 4:34 PM  

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