Location: United States

I'm a Catholic convert (from Protestantism) in love with Jesus and the Church He founded. I'm married to Forrest, an amazing man who has made quite a journey with me, following God, and we are blessed with six precious children.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

New Pictures, just not here

Okay, people, check out Forrest's blog for new pictures.

We've had a busy week...last Wednesday, Holly and Bryan came up for Meggan & Cristian's wedding. Thursday, Heather and I gave Holly a shower here, while Forrest, Bryan and Tim took our boys and Heather's boys on a hike at the Bowl & Pitcher. That evening we had a brief picnic and feeding of the ducks at Manito Park, and came back here for cupcakes. I started late that night on the flowers for Meggan's wedding, and with several interruptions (including a very important one called "sleep") finished them early Friday afternoon. Bryan and Holly went up to Gillette Lake to visit Grandpa & Grandma Workman, who were camping up there--because they won't be able to go to their wedding on the 9th. They came back later in the afternoon and all of us went to the Garland to watch Cars. It was a good movie, and very cute. The next morning (Saturday), we left the house about 6:30 to get up to Usk before 8 AM for the wedding. It was in a clearing in the woods and was cold and beautiful. Meggan and Cristian both loved the flowers, so I was very pleased. After the ceremony, we had coffee and doughnuts up above the wedding site, then headed into town for the reception at the Davenport Hotel. It was beautiful. The food and fellowship were both great.
Holly and Bryan flew out later that afternoon, so once we fed the boys, the kids went to bed and Forrest and I had a very relaxing evening and went to bed early. We had a wonderful visit, and it was fun to watch Holly and Bryan being all lovey-Dovey (pun intended), and now we're getting excited about going down for their wedding, coming up this Saturday. My bridesmaid dress is almost finished, and we get to pack tomorrow and head out at about 2 AM the morning of my birthday!
So that's part of why I haven't been posting very faithfully lately. Will try to do more after we get back next week, and hopefully you'll get to see lots of pictures from our time down there.


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