Location: United States

I'm a Catholic convert (from Protestantism) in love with Jesus and the Church He founded. I'm married to Forrest, an amazing man who has made quite a journey with me, following God, and we are blessed with six precious children.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Funnyness, Cat Tales, & Pictures

Yesterday in the car, Timothy, as he often does, said, "Daddy? Um,...."
While he went on to say whatever it was to Forrest, Noelle pipes up in the back, "Um. Um. Um. Um. Um. Um..."
Oh, and her new thing is, "Mine! no... Mine! no... Mine! no..." I think it's because I usually tell her "Don't say mine" or "No-no."

So we went to Cat Tales yesterday for Esther's 8th birthday (they weren't open on Monday, her actual birthday). It was fun, although it wasn't a very long visit (they close at 4 this time of year). We got to watch the cats being fed. This one cougar looked like it was going to eat the hand of the zookeeper that slid the dish into his pen. Very eager for dinner. They also had their White Bengal Tiger exhibit open (which it was not last year when we went) and that was really cool. They told us that white tigers are sort of like blond people--it's just a recessive gene that happens, not a distinct species. Anyway...I found it very interesting.

From Esther's birthday:

This is her expressing excitement at the gift we gave her. Hilarious.

Noelle has an ice cream cone at home:

The other day at the park, Noelle & Arayah


Blogger Lynne' said...

#2, #7, and #5

.... no really - cool pictures, adorable offspring, and as always funny stories! ;)

5/02/2007 8:04 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

"Um, um, um,"

Sounds like me. I can't remember whatever it was I was going to say.

Cute kids! :D

5/03/2007 4:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fun! I ought to look at your blog more often; I always tell myself, "Oh, there won't be anything new on Rebekah's blog, since she never posts." See how wrong a girl can be?!

5/04/2007 3:15 PM  

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