Location: United States

I'm a Catholic convert (from Protestantism) in love with Jesus and the Church He founded. I'm married to Forrest, an amazing man who has made quite a journey with me, following God, and we are blessed with six precious children.

Monday, April 17, 2006


"He is alive, He is aLIVE, He IS alive!" said the choir yesterday morning, processing up from the back, going through every row slowly so that they could tell everyone the wonderful news. Carolyn played the piano up front, chords that the choir spoke in rhythm with, and when they got up front to their own rows their speaking turned into singing, a joyful Easter hymn*. It was so moving and exciting. MaryLou's enthusiasm in her "He IS alive!"s, as she went about telling us all and shaking our hands, reminded me a little of Grandma Eyre.
We got to shout and sing our Alleluias Saturday night and Sunday morning, and still we shout it! He is risen indeed! Alleluia! There was a baptism both at the Easter vigil (which was an amazing service) and yesterday morning. Glory to God! Praise the Lord! I can hardly wait until Noelle's baptism--which will be on Pentecost Sunday.
It was so nice to have much of the liturgy sung again yesterday. Throughout Lent we spoke our Psalm, didn't get to sing our "Alleluia!" before the Gospel reading, and spoke our "The Lord be with you, And also with you."
We had a nice breakfast feast at church before the service, and a great feast at my parents' house that afternoon. Actually, we have so many good leftovers that we're still feasting.
And now I can hardly wait until Rick & Rachel & Kyrie arrive! 3 weeks, 2 days! The upstairs room is almost ready for painting, but it'll take a few days because it needs primed first, and will probably take two coats of paint after that. Then I get to set up the room for them. Exciting!!

*(By the way, the word "hymn" is typed all by the right index finger, if you know how to type.)


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