Location: United States

I'm a Catholic convert (from Protestantism) in love with Jesus and the Church He founded. I'm married to Forrest, an amazing man who has made quite a journey with me, following God, and we are blessed with six precious children.

Monday, March 27, 2006

I'm sick. I can't remember having a sore throat this bad since I was a kid. Forrest has been good to me and gives me vitamins and zinc lozenges and cups of tea and water at regular intervals. And he read that I should try gargling salt-vinegar-water. It is so nasty. I thought I was going to throw up--and I'm not even pregnant anymore! But, I have to say it did soothe my throat a bit.
My poor little kids have colds too--even Noelle. Please pray, especially for her, that it doesn't get seriously bad.

On Saturday, some ladies from my church threw me a baby shower. It was great. And we got so many things (mostly outfits, and most of those pink). We're really blessed. It was a potluck-lunch party, so everyone brought a dish--there were some yummy fruit salads, good, soft bread, a good oriental salad, sandwiches, veggie trays, etc. Helen Bryson came up with some games that we ended up not playing, basically because opening the gifts took so long. I think Connie organized the whole thing, and JoAnn Stewart hosted it. I just feel so loved in this church--I mean, everyone is so kind to us and generous, and willing to go out of their way for things like this. It was also cool because I got to know several more ladies by their names. It strikes me as funny that I don't know half out congregation's names, but a large majority know me by name.
My aunt Marilyn also got to meet Noelle for the first time at the shower. She held her, and Noelle was awake and good for quite a while with her. My aunt is talkative, and my mom commented, of Noelle, "She just wants someone to talk to her!" It was sweet.

I just found out last week that my brother Matthew has a blog. One more link for me to add.

Stir-fry vegetables & beef sounds really good. Actually, we're having chicken soup for dinner, and that sounds good because of the salt in it. And the warmth. I should go, I want something salty or garlicky.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you all get better soon. The baby shower sounded like so much fun!! We can't wait to come in May!

3/28/2006 11:29 AM  

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